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Went on Atkins, gained 7 lbs. - discovered I can't eat creamy sauces and a side a beef 23 hours a day and take an hour off just for dessert...oh well...thanks for the follow on Typepad, us blondes have to stick together!

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Focus is everything!

  • 5 things we're grateful for today
    1.Positive People 2.Painkillers 3.Milk (tea without is foul!) 4.Sunshine and blue skies 5.Designer cast offs
  • Recent lesson learnt
    Attitude and persistence is worth more than knowledge
  • Achievements
    We thought by telling you what we are going to achieve each day - that we may actually do it! Nothing like putting yourself under pressure to get things done. Thought we should just stick to 5 key things! If you want to share what you are committed to achieving today - then let us know and we will publish them! 1. Finish TX questionniares 2. Finish Synergy Proposal 3. Take Pippa to vets for jab 4. Make all outstanding calls 5. Start on referral institute actions

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